Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Grow Your Dreams - Mindset does Matter

Success is a journey that starts with the little steps we take each day towards realising our dreams.  So what we do today determines what we will do,be and have tomorrow.  Life is no accident, it is a response to our thoughts, habits and actions.   The tragedy is that for most of us life is more a matter of  "K sera sera, whatever will be will be, the future is not ours to see, k sera sera".  But this song is a lie because you can be in control of your life and the future you want to have. It starts with the birth place of dreams - the fertile fields of your mind. This is the place where dreams are sown and grown so be careful what you plant. What you sow - you reap.  

I compiled a list of habits for self coach to success of the mindsets that can determine your success or defeat in achieving your goals or dream.  I have listed them below as I believe that to achieve your dreams you require the right mindset. 

Success Mindset
Defeatist Mindset
1.   Persist – focus on your dream and stick at it until you reach it. Remember to celebrate the small steps on the journey.
A. Define success as won, luck or innate – you believe you have no control over it.  It is for the fortunate few whose circumstances enabled them to achieve their dreams.
2.   Listen to alternative points of view – this enables you to critically evaluate your own ideas and broadens your horizons.   
B. Working hard doesn’t get you anywhere but only acknowledge one aspect of work, physical labour.

3.   Co-operate – collaborate and work with others
C. Opportunity – believe they have never been given the opportunity to succeed because of luck and circumstance. Don’t recognise opportunity when it knocks or make the most when they do.
4.   Be a detective – Curiosity did not kill the cat it brought him back.  Ask questions, seek evidence and analyse ideas.
D. Defeatist attitude - make poor choices or have a poor outlook.
“To expect defeat is nine-tenths of defeat itself.” – Henry Mencken
5.   Broaden your perspective – view a situation from multiple view points and be open to changing yours.
E. Quit – tried and did not succeed so gave up. Lack perseverance and self-motivation.
“Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.”– Winston Churchill
6.   Be a Puzzler – use problem solving and decision making to plan, monitor, evaluate and review your progress. Be prepared to change direction or proceed in a new way.
F. Victim Mentality - blame their past, current situationissues, and circumstances as road blocks for not trying or persevering. Look for obstacles and barriers not conduits and passageways.
7.   Inventive – look for different and creative ways of thinking about something or doing things. Be a live long learner.
G. Take NO for an answer – are pessimism, surround themselves with negativity and Nay Sayers. Let challenges and adversity defeat them.

If you don't action and realise your dreams you are not fully living your life.  Take a chance and plant the seed, water and tend it with the right mindset and grow that BIG Dream - in time you will reap a golden harvest.

What dream are you currently tending - have you got green fingers (Success Mindset) or black thumbs(Defeatist Mindset)? Love to hear your comments.

If you found this interesting please share with your friends.  Would also appreciate if you visited our Facebook Page and gave us a Like.  Merna and I have just started our on our big dream - Avenue to Change - helping women live their dream.   

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